Benefits of NARFE Membership
Federal benefits and insurance issues can be complicated. The federal workforce knows how difficult it can be to get information in this era of shrinking human resource personnel. Overwhelmed and understaffed, personnel offices often do not have time to help employees plan their futures one by one. Retirees and survivors know how difficult it can be to reach OPM.
We provide the solution with the resources you need. Members have access to a wealth of information through our Web site, monthly magazine, newsletters, staff, and volunteers located throughout the country. Join forces with the ultimate federal retirement guides and get the answers you need.
Dues Withholding
Dues Withholding is a dues payment system that gives eligible NARFE members (retirees, new members, spouses of retirees, and annuitant survivors) the option of having their annual dues deducted from their annuities on a monthly basis. If you enroll in Dues Withholding, 1/12 of your total dues ($3.50 per month), plus 1⁄12 of your annual chapter dues ($0.83) are automatically deducted from your monthly annuity. If both you and your spouse are NARFE members, you can have your spouse’s dues deducted from your annuity. Active Federal Employees (AFE), Life Members, and Honorary Members are not eligible to enroll in Dues Withholding.
So what are the advantages of enrolling in Dues Withholding?
Your annual dues will be $42.00 plus chapter dues versus $48.00 plus chapter dues. That’s a $6.00 per year savings or 15%.
You will not have to worry about submitting your annual dues to NARFE. Plus, you will not have to worry about checking the correct membership option (National Only or National and Chapter) on the Member Renewal Form. You will automatically be renewed in accordance with your current membership option.
You will never get another dues reminder from NARFE HQ.
You may cancel your dues withholding at any time.
You can also sign up for your spouse’s dues to be deducted from your annuity.
Cash Incentive Program, you will receive a $20.00 cash rebate check from the Federation. Plus, annually (usually in May), the Federation holds a $100.00 cash prize drawing for all members who have enrolled in Dues Withholding since the previous May drawing. If you send your DW-2 or DW-3 directly to NARFE HQ you will not be eligible for the $20.00 rebate or the $100.00 cash prize drawing.
New members can enroll in Dues Withholding when they join and they don’t even have to submit their first year dues ($40.00) to HQ; instead, it will be deducted directly from his/her annuity. After the first year, the dues will be $42.00, plus applicable chapter dues. Remember, there are no chapter dues the first year for new members.
Submit one of the appropriate set of the forms to: Janice Burgess, Federation VP/Membership Chair, 600 Polaris Lane, Albany, GA 31721-9010.
C-7/DW-2 (NARFE Member Request for Dues Withholding Rebate and NARFE Dues Withholding Application for Current Members who are Retirees, Spouses of Retirees, or Annuitant Survivors)
C-8/DW-3 (NARFE New Member Request for Dues Withholding Rebate and / NARFE Dues Withholding Application for NEW Members who are Retirees, Spouses of Retirees or Annuitant Survivors)
You do not have to wait until your annual dues are due for renewal to enroll in Dues Withholding via the Federation’s Cash Incentive Program. You can submit your application at any time and you will immediately receive the $20.00 cash rebate. However, NARFE will hold your application in abeyance until about three months prior to your annual renewal date before sending it to OPM.
Please ensure that you include your Social Security Number, Civil Service Annuity Number, and Date of Birth on the DW-2 or DW-3. Why? The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) requires this data to ensure that the member has made the request and that the correct account is used. This information will not be used by the GA Federation. If you opt to have your spouse’s dues deducted from your annuity, please check the YES block on the DW-2 or DW-3. In order for the spouse to also receive a $20.00 rebate, please complete a separate C-7 or C-8.
Member Discounts
Membership is not without privileges of its own. Earn back your membership dues with valuable savings on auto, long-term care, dental, life, FEHBP and Medicare Supplemental Insurance, and more! From car rentals, to moving services, hotels, and travel offers, get the most for your money through trusted names you'll recognize. Start the advantages of membership by joining today!
We realize that information is the most powerful key in unlocking the potential of your future. Federal employees, retirees and survivor annuitants who are well informed and actively involved in NARFE are the best defense against the potential erosion or stagnation of the future you've earned.